لعبة قابلة للشحن لمساعدة الطفل على النوم، بتصميم باندا من تومي تيبي

اشتري اونلاين بأفضل الاسعارلعبة قابلة للشحن لمساعدة الطفل على النوم، بتصميم باندا من تومي تيبي✓ شحن سريع و مجاني✓ ارجاع مجاني✓ الدفع عند

رمز المنتج: B082QGSFMJ التصنيف:
  • 85 في المئة من الأطفال ينامون بشكل أفضل مع ضوء تومي تيبي ومساعدة النوم الصوتية. بيب دب الباندا بمثابة رفيق الليل اللطيف والمحبوب، والذي سوف يساعدك وطفلك للتنعم بقسط جيد من النوم
  • قابلة لإعادة الشحن عبر منفذ USB – فلا حاجة إلى شراء البطاريات باستمرار: أصبحت اللعب المساعدة على النوم من تومي تيبي قابلة لإعادة الشحن الآن عبر منفذ USB. بمثابة خيار عملي، يوفر المال
  • بتقنية استشعار البكاء الذكية – عندما يبكي الطفل، يصدر بيب الباندا تلقائيًا ألحان نوم أو أصواتًا مهدئة لمدة 20 دقيقة حتى يتمكن الطفل من النوم بسرعة مرة أخرى
  • بستة أصوات مهدئة – يمكن أن يصدر بيب الباندا ستة أصوات تعزز النوم: ضربات قلب ناعمة، أو أمواج الماء المتدفقة، أو الضجيج الأبيض، أو واحدة من التهويدات الثلاث المختلفة المخصصة للأطفال
  • إضاءة ليلية قابلة للتعديل – يأتي الباندا بيب بإضاءة ليلية مثالية بدرجة سطوع قابلة للتعديل عند المعدة، والتي يتوقف تشغيلها تلقائيًا بعد 30 دقيقة لتوفير الكهرباء

يساعدك رفيق السرير الرائع هذا أنت وطفلك في الحصول على قسط جيد من الراحة أثناء الليل. إنّ مصباح الليل المريح على شكل قلب، والأصوات المعززة للنوم والتهويدات المهدئة تجعل أطفالك تخلد برفق إلى النوم. يراقب مستشعر البكاء الذكي الصغار طوال الليل ويصدر صوت التهويدة أو صوت النوم المحدد بمجرد البكاء. إن البحث اليائس عن البطاريات أمر صعب، لذلك فإن اللعب المساعدة على النوم الموثوقة قابلة لإعادة الشحن عبر منفذ USB، وبالتالي فهي جاهزة دائماً للاستخدام. نوفر لك أكياس النوم المريحة وموازين حرارة الغرفة كما الأضواء الليلية اللطيفة، فنحن هنا من أجلك ونضمن أن يحلم طفلك بكل سعادة وينام بشكل أفضل، لتتمكن بدورك من أخذ قسط كافٍ من النوم.

أفضل المراجعات من المملكة السعودية العربية

Emily K5.0:
Bought this for my now 2 year old. She has had Ollie the Owl(previous model) every single night since she was 1 week old(you will at this point of sleep deprivation purchase anything to help sooth your baby for just 5 minutes of sleep) her preference is the white noise. Her old one was just starting to lag and was getting through 4 AA batteries every 5 days or so I thought I’d buy her a new one. When I saw they did a rechargeable version I was over the moon! The fabric isn’t identical to the old one a new song and waterfall noise has been added and one of the buttons is on the opposite side. But after a few nights of getting used to him/buttons my daughter has forgotten all about her old one. Battery life is brilliant and doesn’t need charging often or for long. Red light for charging blue light for fully charged.Note. The instructions are printed wrong and for use with the sound sensor look at the battery pack and set it to the eye with volume setting.For new parents; When mine was a baby I literally took Olli everywhere in the pram car outside everywhere. It blocked out the sudden noise from traffic people etc. stopped her from suddenly being woken up. Also used on holidays nights away to keep familiarity at nap/bed time.

Beuller 2.0:
The instructions have been printed incorrectly.This meant that we have sent one back thinking it was faulty.We’ve now worked it out.The ‘sensor off’ and ‘sensor on’ symbols are the wrong way around.But how annoying.

 Comprato per il nostro bebè in arrivo lo abbiamo voluto subito testare visti i commenti negativi che dicono che il crysensor non funziona.Facendo delle varie prove ci siamo accorti che le istruzioni sono scritte in maniera errata.C’è infatti una tabella in cui riproducono i disegni dell’interruttore e spiegano il significato di ogni disegnino. I disegni sono intuitivi e infatti quello con la “x” indica realmente il cry sensor spento ma nelle istruzioni c’è scritto che significa “sempre acceso”Ricapitolando per far funzionare correttamente il cry sensor posizionate l’interruttore nelle 2 tacche centrali per averlo sempre acceso o temporizzato.Non sapendo di preciso come funzionava abbiamo cercato video su YouTube e abbiamo scoperto anche che per memorizzare il suono (tenendo premuto per 5secondi) in questo modello con la carica usb non si sente il beep (che nei modelli con la batteria si sentiva) ma semplicemente la musica si interrompe.Spero questa recensione torni utile a qualcuno.A noi piace molto speriamo piacerà anche al nostro bebè il peluche è molto carino e davvero morbido.

I never write reviews. In fact I never understood why anyone would write a review before — what a way to spend time! Now I understand that reviewers are mothers stuck under babies that they just managed to stop crying and have allowed to fall asleep on them in the middle of the night just for a moment of peace. I’m also willing to bet that you dear reader are quite likely to be such a mother — desperate for anything to help your newborn sleep in their cot so that you can sleep as well. Well let me tell you that this owl is not the answer. It wasn’t for us anyway. Yes it has a rechargeable battery yes it plays a few different songs and sounds yes it gives out a dim red glow. But ultimately it is a mediocre solution. 1) if your newborn hates to be away from you or refuses to sleep on their back no amount of noise is going yo persuade them. Yet. 2) the feature that turns this thing off after 30mins sounds great in principle (battery preserved you don’t go mad listening to the sound all night) but if you have a child like ours will send you straight to hell and back. Should you manage to persuade your little darling into the preferred sleep location sedated by this thing note that 30 minutes is just enough time for you to fall into a glorious deep sleep. Then it turns off. And… it *waits for her to cry* before turning back on. It is over. You are already doomed to another session of feeding / soothing / rocking / singing / pacing. So you drag yourself back from the dead and do it all again.Alternatively: you get a Bluetooth speaker and just play constant white noise from any streaming service or app through that for the night and learn to sleep through it yourself. Bonus: you have a speaker you will actually use in non-baby land (imagine such a time) and you can crank the volume. Because if your child is anything like ours they are not soothed by much less than the equivalent of a hoover or hairdyer blasting next to them (once asleep you might get away with turning it down a bit. Edit: after a couple of weeks we could have our white noise much quieter!). And whatever you do they may still refuse your preferred sleep location. Or you will end up with a baby sleeping on you for a bit or the night while you summon the courage and patience to attempt the transfer again. That is the prime time for desperation shopping here. You may as well go with it and buy something nice for yourself instead.Having said all this if you are sleep deprived and desperate to throw money at the problem you will probably just buy this anyway. If that is you good luck! From the other reviews it seems it works for some people and I hope it works out for you!*edit* we are now a few months down the line since I wrote the above. The owl has become a popular change mat soother for post bath crying but still would not work for actual sleep.

Jorge L4.0:
El peluche está bien emite 6 canciones/sonidos duran 20 minutos y se apagan solos. Pero hay que saber que en el manual está mal traducido. El modo cry sensor está activado cuando el simbolo de señal no está con aspa. Y otra cosa que no dice el manual que para programarlo se puede hacer cuando hayas definido el sonido/canción y presionando la mano derecha o izquierda. Me costó darme cuenta pero leyendo vuestras opiniones intento resumir porque veo que puede ser el problema de algunos que lo devuelve porque piensan que no les funciona. Saludos





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