Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade

سكين ثابتة Morakniv Kansbol بشفرة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ Sandvik ، لتجربة قطع متينة وموثوقة. مناسبة للمغامرات الخارجية والاستخدام اليومي في المطبخ.

رمز المنتج: B093P9ZVX8 التصنيف:

Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade

Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade هو سكين ذو شفرة ثابتة يأتي مع مجموعة بدء النار المتوافقة مع الغمد، ويمثل سكينًا مثاليًا لحقيبة الظهر وسكين التخييم وسكين الصيد وسكين التنزه.

تتميز شفرة السكين السويدية السميكة من الستانلس ستيل بسمك 0.1 بطحن سكاندي ولمسة نهائية شبه مطفية، مما يجعلها قوية ومتينة. كما أن العمود الفقري ذو زاوية 90 درجة متوافق مع مشغل النار المرفق ومجموعة أدوات النجاة المتوافقة مع الغمد، مما يجعلها أداة متعددة الاستخدامات، ويمكن ربط أداة إطلاق النار المدمجة والمبراة الماسية والحبل العاكس مباشرة بالغمد.

تتيح لك أداة النجاة المدمجة عالية الجودة ومبراة السكاكين الماسية إشعال نار المخيم وشحذ الشفرة حسب الحاجة. وتأتي مجموعة بدء الحريق في حالات الطوارئ مجهزة أيضًا بسلك مظلة منعكس يمكن ربطه بعصا بدء النار لسهولة النقل والحفظ الآمن.

بفضل تصميمه المتين والمتعدد الاستخدامات، يعد Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade الخيار الأمثل للمغامرين وعشاق الطبيعة. كما أنه يمثل هدية مثالية لأي شخص يحب الأنشطة الخارجية والتخييم والصيد.

باستخدام تقنيات SEO من Google، يمكن تحسين محركات البحث للموقع الخاص بك وزيادة فرص تحقيق المزيد من النجاح والأرباح. ويمكن استخدام هذه الأداة المتعددة الاستخدامات كأداة ترويجية للمنتجات المتعلقة بالتخييم والصيد والرحلات الخارجية.

مواصفات المنتجات

المادة ستانلس ستيل
اللون أخضر عسكري
العلامة التجارية مورا نايف
وزن السلعة 100 غرامات
المكونات المشمولة سكين غمد الحرائق
عدد القطع 1

مورا نايف سكين شفرة ثابتة من كانسبول مع شفرة ساندفيك من الستانلس ستيل وغمد مجموعة النجاة

Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade

The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade is a versatile, durable and high-quality knife that is designed to meet the needs of outdoor enthusiasts, campers, hikers, hunters and survivalists. This knife is made by Morakniv, a Swedish company that has been in the business of making knives for over 100 years. Their expertise and experience have enabled them to create a knife that is perfect for all your outdoor adventures.

The Blade

The blade of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is made from Sandvik stainless steel, which is known for its durability, strength and resistance to corrosion. Sandvik is a Swedish company that is world-renowned for their high-quality steel products. The blade is 4.3 inches long and is designed to handle a variety of tasks, from slicing and chopping to carving and skinning. The blade is also easy to sharpen and maintain, which is important when you are out in the wilderness.

The blade of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife has a Scandi grind, which means that it has a single bevel that runs all the way to the edge. This type of grind is ideal for outdoor use, as it provides excellent control and makes it easy to carve and slice through wood and other materials. The blade is also very sharp, which makes it perfect for tasks that require precision and accuracy.

The Handle

The handle of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is made from a high-friction material that provides a secure grip, even when your hands are wet or sweaty. The handle is also ergonomically designed, which means that it is comfortable to hold and use for extended periods of time. The handle is also designed to prevent your fingers from slipping onto the blade, which is important for safety reasons.

The handle of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife has a hole in the end, which can be used to attach a lanyard or cord. This is useful for carrying the knife around your neck or attaching it to your backpack or gear. The handle also has a notch, which can be used to strike a fire starter or flint, making it a useful tool for survival situations.

The Sheath

The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife comes with a durable and high-quality sheath that is designed to protect the blade and make it easy to carry. The sheath is made from a hard plastic material that is resistant to water and other elements. It also has a belt loop, which makes it easy to attach to your belt or gear.

The sheath of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife also has a drain hole, which allows water and moisture to escape. This is important for preventing rust and corrosion on the blade. The sheath also has a snap closure, which keeps the knife securely in place and prevents it from falling out.


The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is a versatile knife that can be used for a variety of outdoor activities. It is perfect for camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and survival situations. The knife is also great for carving, slicing, chopping, and skinning. Its sharp blade and comfortable handle make it easy to use and control, even when performing intricate tasks.

The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is also a great tool for bushcraft and wilderness survival. Its durable and high-quality construction makes it ideal for building shelters, starting fires, and preparing food. The knife can also be used for carving tools and utensils, as well as for processing wood and other materials.


The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is easy to maintain and care for. To keep the blade sharp and in good condition, it is recommended that you sharpen it regularly using a sharpening stone or diamond file. You should also clean the blade after each use to remove dirt, debris, and moisture. A drop or two of oil on the blade will help prevent corrosion and rust.

The handle of the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife can be cleaned with soap and water. If the handle becomes slippery, you can use sandpaper or a file to create a rough surface for better grip. You should also check the tightness of the handle from time to time to ensure that it is secure and does not come loose.


The Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade is a versatile, durable, and high-quality knife that is perfect for all your outdoor adventures. Its sharp blade, comfortable handle, and durable sheath make it a reliable tool that you can depend on. Whether you are camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, or surviving in the wilderness, the Morakniv Kansbol Fixed Blade Knife is the perfect companion for all your outdoor needs.


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